Fathers always leave behind a legacy, whether planned or not, intentional or not.
As such, every legacy can be impactful in either a negative or a positive way. As I reflect on my own dad and his legacy, I realize he was intentional about raising men with purpose, dignity, and faith who will rise up to be leaders.
He forwent a scholarship to MIT, to pursue God’s calling instead. Like some of his modern day heroes, he did not just go to seminary, to become a pastor and a teacher, but responded to a calling to become a bridge builder and a champion for racial and ethnic reconciliation. Above, all, his first calling was being a devoted husband and dad.
On this Father’s Day, here are 12 of his sayings that have shaped my brother and me - and continue to resonate today:
Love everyone, including those who hate you, and repay evil with good.
Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and le these things shall be added to you (Matt 6:3).
A soft answer turns away wrath, But a harsh word stirs up anger (Prov 15:1).
Be light, be salt, be humble and never stop learning.
Don’t put your hand in the mouth of the crocodile (African proverb).
Show me your friends and I’ll show your character.
Life is fragile, handle with prayer (quote by Harold B. Lee).
Everything we own in life is given to us to bless others in need.
Cast your bread upon the waters for after many days you will find it (Eccl 11:1).
The fingers on your hands are not equal in length, but each serves a very important function. Therefore, don’t envy and compare yourself to others, simply be the best at whatever you do. Work hard and show respect to everyone - young and old.
Stand up against injustice, speak for the weak, give to those in need without expecting anything in return.
This world is not my home!
On this day, let’s all strive to make our world and our environment better each day with our words and our actions.